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Garfield Primary School

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We are proud of our Garfield school uniform and all children are expected to wear it. The school logo is optional on jumpers/cardigans and bookbags/rucksacks. Garfield school logos can be purchased from www.stitchdesign.co.uk if families choose to wear these.

We have an excellent selection of second hand uniform and our wonderful PTA hold very uniform sales in the playground each month for very reasonable prices, with all proceeds going back to the PTA.

Please label all items of clothing so lost property can be returned to your child with ease.

Nursery Uniform

Where to buy

Red polo shirt

High street

Black jogging bottoms or leggings

High street

Red sweatshirt

High Street or http://www.stitchdesign.co.uk


Reception Uniform

Where to buy

Red polo shirt

High street

Grey trousers, shorts, pinafore or skirt
(no leggings or track suit bottoms, etc.)

High street

Grey jumper/cardigan with optional school logo


White/grey socks or red/white/grey tights

High street

Black, flat shoes with velcro fastening

(no laces, trainers or plimsolls)

High street

Book Bag



Key stage 1 & 2 Uniform

Where to buy

Grey trousers, shorts, pinafore or skirt. Red check dress in summer
(no leggings or track suit bottoms, etc.)

High street

White shirt/blouse (not polo shirt)

High street

School tie - house colour

School Office

Grey jumper/ cardigan with optional school logo


White/grey socks or red/white/grey tights

High street

Sensible black shoes (no trainers)

High street

Book Bag or Rucksack

High Street or http://www.stitchdesign.co.uk


PE Kit*

Where to buy

Plain red polo shirt

High street

Plain black shorts or plain black track suit bottoms

High street

Plimsolls or trainers

High street

Plain red sweatshirt or school jumper

High Street

 *Please do not wear hoodies or football kit for PE lessons