PSHE & Personal Development
Personal Development: SMSC - PSHE, RHE, British Values and Core Values
PSHE - Intent
The personal development of our children is at the very heart of every decision made at Garfield. We aim to develop learners who are passionate, take ownership of their learning and are proud of their achievements. The ethos of our school is such that all people who come into our school, whether staff, pupil, parent or visitor, are valued as individuals in their own right. They should set, and be entitled to expect from others, good standards of behaviour, marked by respect and responsibility. The school will help the students to develop an inner discipline and will encourage pupils to not just ‘follow the crowd’ - they will make up their own minds and be ready to accept responsibility for what they do. They will grow through making choices and holding to the choices that they have made. They will want to be honest with themselves and with others.
Personal Development at Garfield Primary school encompasses SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) and includes PSHE and British Values - linked to Garfield’s own 7 Core Values. Garfield Core Values underpin school life. Each half-term, a different school Core Value becomes the focus in a continuous cycle, ensuring children systematically develop knowledge and understanding year by year, equipping them to become knowledgeable and rounded citizens in their future life. This is further supported by the PSHE programme ‘No Outsiders In Our School – Teaching the Equality Act in Primary Schools’.
PSHE - Implementation
PSHE at Garfield is supported by Kapow PSHE plans, ensuring a well-structured approach and a systematic progression of skills.
Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. It helps children and young people to stay healthy and safe, while preparing them to make the most of life and work. (PSHE Association)
Our EYFS curriculum focuses on:
- Communication and language - expressing feelings, views and starting conversations
- Personal, social and emotional development - developing a sense of responsibility, taking care of their own hygiene routines, identifying emotions, confidently trying new things and developing healthy relationships
- Physical development - moving around safely by walking around objects and dressing/undressing and using zips
- Understanding the world - family history, different occupations and the roles of people around the child
Our PSHE curriculum covers these core themes from Y1-6:
- Family and Relationships - Supporting our children to develop healthy relationships rooted in mutual respect. We equip Garfield pupils with the tools to resolve conflict between themselves and identify key differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships.
- Health and Wellbeing - Teaching children how to express their emotions, to eat healthily, stay safe in the sun, discuss and develop hygiene routines.
- Safety and the Changing Body - Equipping children with the skills and knowledge to respond correctly in an emergency situation, teaching children about harmful substances and why it is important to stay away from them, educating them about online friendships and safety.
- Citizenship - Educating children about Parliament, Human Rights, rules and laws.
- Economic Wellbeing - Supporting children in identifying different ways to pay, how to be sensible and responsible with money, jobs/careers.
PSHE - Impact
We want children to become responsible, confident and successful citizens, with understanding of what the subject will bring to their lives and links within their local and wider community. By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes in their programme of study. Age related expectations are reported to parents at the end of Reception. In KS1 and KS2, assessment takes place throughout the year and at the ends of topics. Teachers record progress in PSHE against National Curriculum expectations for each year group. Teachers use this information to inform future lessons, ensuring children are supported and challenged appropriately. Assessment data is analysed to inform and address any trends or gaps in attainment. Further information is gathered through pupil voice activities, highlighting strengths, achievements and any recommendations for improvements, knowledge and skills that need to be embedded. Each part of the PSHE curriculum is reviewed termly by the subject leader.