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Garfield Primary School

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Y1 & Y2 Mini Musicians Concert

As you are aware, since January 2024, Garfield has been part of the Mini Musicians project coordinated by Merton Music Foundation (MMF). The children from Nursery to Year 2 have been receiving high quality music teaching once per week from Mrs Jen Murray from MMF.

I am pleased to confirm that there will be an end-of-project concert that all children in Year 1 and 2 will take part in. Parents are invited to come along to watch and celebrate with the children.

Our concert will be on Tuesday 1 July 2025, 1:30pm – 3pm. It will be held at St Mark’s Church, Wimbledon (St Mark’s Pl, SW19 7ND). The concert will feature both Garfield and St Matthew’s CE Primary School.

We are so proud of the children in Year 1 and 2 and are very excited to celebrate the end of the Mini Musicians project. The concert will be a fantastic opportunity for the children to perform and show off their musical progress. 

We hope you can join us for this exciting concert.